Another Busy "While" for Open Source Googlers
Friday, June 20, 2008
With a tip of the hat to Lewis Carroll's Mad Hatter, it's a busy "while" for the Open Source Team here at Google.
Leslie Hawthorn is in Durban, South Africa, speaking at the Third OpenMRS Implementers Meeting, 17-20 June 2008. The meeting is being held in conjunction with HISA 2008, the annual conference of the South African Health Informatics Association. OpenMRS is a community developed, Open Source, enterprise electronic medical record system framework, specifically intended to help those actively building and managing health systems in the developing world, where AIDS, tuberculosis, and malaria afflict the lives of millions. If you are interested in Open Source health informatics and/or health care in developing parts of the world, take a look at the project.
Yesterday our office in Mountain View CA hosted the Creative Commons Technology Summit. Creative Commons is a non-profit organization that builds tools that help realize the full potential of the commons in the age of digital networks. Their first technology summit brought together many parties interested in making sure "Copyright 2.0" facilitates rather than hinders innovation and the open web. The summit included an update and overview of Creative Commons technologies, panels featuring other leaders in open digital rights technologies, and a look at the future, including the role of digital copyright registries (and similar animals). Check out the online coverage, and stay tuned for the video of the event, which we will post soon.
Also this week, the GCC Developers Summit, sponsored in part by Google, returned to Ottawa, Ontario, Canada for a 3 day "meeting of the minds" by the core development team behind the GNU Compiler Collection. Several Googlers presented; Vinodha Ramasamy spoke on Feedback Directed Optimization using Synthetic Edge Profiles from Hardware Event Sampling, Ian Lance Taylor gave a talk about A New ELF Linker, and Diego Novillo gave a tutorial on Tuples - A new data structure and API for GIMPLE.
Next week we are hosting another conclave in Mountain View, California, USA; Eclipse Day will be held on June 24. This half day event for developers is a chance to learn about different Eclipse projects and related technologies. Googlers speaking include Sergey Prigogin on What's New in CDT Ganymede , Bruce Johnson on Tools Make the Difference: GWT in Eclipse, and Xavier Ducrohet on Android's Eclipse Toolset . Unfortunately / fortunately, the event is completely full, and registration including the waiting list is closed, so if you are not already registered you can't join us, but watch for reports on the event later next week.
Also next week, USENIX Annual Technical Conference will be held in Boston, Massachusetts, USA. Googler David Presotto is chairing the Short Paper Session at this venerable but always tasty technical conference.
It's shaping up to be a busy summer... :)
Ed. Note: Post updated to fix formatting.

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