By Brian Fitzpatrick, Open Source Programs Office
It's been about a year and a half since we launched project hosting on Google Code, and we're now home to over 80,000 projects. From small two-person projects to projects with dozens of contributors, we've got all kinds: utilities, javascript libraries, gadgets, University CS classes, hundreds of Google's own open source projects, and many more.
We continue to work to add more features as well as improve the scalability and reliability of the Google Code hosting service, and in order to keep you more up to date with what we're up to, we've setup shop here in the new Google Open Source blog. You can expect to see posts here that cover new features and bugfixes, reviews of Open Source engineering best practices, and other bits and bobs that we think are relevant to open source software development.
So stay tuned—2008 is looking to be a great year for us.

project hosting