One of the best parts of Google I/O every year is the chance to meet with the developers and community organizers from all over the world. It's a unique opportunity to have candid one-on-one conversations about the products and technologies we all love.
This year, I/O features a Community Lounge for attendees to relax, hangout, and play with neat experiments and games. It also features several mini-meetups during which you can chat with Googlers on a variety of topics.
Chris DiBona and Will Norris from the Google Open Source Programs Office will be around Thursday and Friday to talk about anything and everything open source, including our student outreach programs and the new Google Open Source website. If you're at Google I/O this year, make sure to drop by and say hello. Find dates, times, and other details in the Community Lounge schedule.
By Josh Simmons, Google Open Source

Google I/O