Googlers Out and About - FOSDEM and Beyond...
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
It's going to be chilly next week in Brussels but FOSDEM is always a place to explore hot topics in the FOSS world. Our Leslie Hawthorn will be finishing off the conference with the closing keynote on large scale community organizing. We will also be hosting the pre-conference beer reception on Friday, February 6th - hope to see you there!
If you are affiliated with the Applied Physics Lab at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland, USA, you will have a chance this week to hear Chris DiBona, the head of the Open Source Programs Office, present at InnovationΧΔ Lunchbox. The Office of Patent Counsel and Technology Transfer at JPL/JHU hosts informational lunchtime sessions to inform Laboratory inventors, project staff and other interested Laboratory professionals about issues relating to APL tech transfer, in this case, Open Source.
Later in February Leslie and I will be speaking together at SCALE 2009, the Southern California Linux Expo in Los Angeles, CA, Saturday February 21st on "Getting Started in Open Source". We will also be at the Women in Open Source Workshop the day before, and in the Google booth on the show floor, along with a bunch of our colleagues. The SCALE organizers always attract a lively crowd to a very affordable conference, plus you'll be able to learn about a variety of Google technologies at the booth.
Heading into March, Leslie and I will be heading to Chattanooga TN, USA to present at SICCSE (Special Interest Group in Computer Science Education) 2009, a venerable (40th anniversary!) ACM conference on teaching computer science. The conference committee has asked Google and others to share our thoughts on integrating FOSS methodologies into "traditional" CS curriculum. Leslie is on a panel on this topic on Wednesday March 4th, and I will be talking about Google Summer of Code on Friday March 6th.
From Chattanooga Leslie goes directly to our nation's capital, Washington DC, to speak at DrupalCon on Friday March 6th. The conference, "*the* event for Drupal developers", runs March 4th - 7th. The latest word is that it's sold out, so if you haven't registered yet, you'll need to check the website for news on ticket exchange and the waiting list.
Last but not least, Chris DiBona will be speaking at OSBC, Open Source Business Conference, coming to San Francisco, CA, March 24th and 25th.
