In addition to the events at the booth, the Google open source team has two workshops on Tuesday, July 16:
- 9:00 –12:30: Zero to Docs: Hands-On Documentation Workshop
This half-day workshop kicks off with an overview of research-backed documentation best practices. Andrew Chen, Erin McKean, and Aizhamal Nurmamat kyzy lead you through a hands-on exercise in which you'll create the skeleton of a ready-to-deploy documentation website for your open source project.
- 1:30 – 5:00: Hands-on Kubernetes New Contributor Workshop
Paris Pittman takes you through the ins and outs of the Kubernetes contributor community so you can land your first PR. You'll learn about SIGs, the GitHub workflow, its automation and continuous integration (CI), setting up your dev environment, and much more. Stick around until the end, and you'll have time to work on your first PR with the help of current contributors.We also hope you attend the main conference sessions presented by Googlers, especially the keynotes on Wednesday (Built to last: What Google and Microsoft have learned growing open source communities) and Thursday (Be a Docs Star), and the sessions on Wednesday:
- 11:00 – 11:40: Live coding a machine learning model from scratch
- 1:45 – 2:25: Flutter meets the Physical World
- 1:45 – 2:25: Introducing Kubeflow w/ Special Guests Tensorflow & cross-cloud machine learning
- 4:15 – 4:55: Real-time streaming APIs: from data-center to Internet clients
- 11:50 – 12:30: Open Source Citizenship
- 1:45 – 2:25: CI/CD in a cloud native world
- 2:35 – 3:15:Break me if you can: practical guide to building fault-tolerant systems
- 2:35 – 3:15: Serverless On Your Own Terms using Knative
- 4:15 – 4:55: Code Generation: Principles and Challenges
OSCON is one of the highlights of the year for those of us who love open source—we’re thrilled to be able to share what we’ve learned with you, and to learn what you’re interested in and excited about (and also what you think could improve). See you in Portland!