It’s summer in Sydney and (LCA) 2018 is just a week away. LCA, an annual event that attracts people from all over the globe, including Googlers, runs January 22nd to 26th.
LCA is a cornerstone of the free and open source software (FOSS) community. It’s volunteer-run, administered by Linux Australia, and has been running since 1999. Despite its name, the conference program covers all things FOSS. The event is five days long and includes two days of miniconfs that make the program even more interesting.
The Google Open Source team is escaping “wintery” Northern California and will be hosting a Birds of a Feather (BoF) session and co-hosting an event with GDG Sydney, both focused on our student programs.
A few Googlers ended up with sessions in the program and one is running a miniconf:
Tuesday, January 23rd
All day Create hardware with FPGAs, Linux and Python Miniconf hosted by Tim Ansell (sold out)
11:40am Learn by Contributing to Open Source by Josh Simmons
5:15pm Assembling a balsa-wood Raspberry Pi case by Josh Deprez
5:45pm Streaming Machine Learning with Apache Spark Meetup by Holden Karau
Wednesday, January 24th
1:40pm Dealing with Contributor Overload by Holden Karau
3:50pm Securing the Linux boot process by Matthew Garrett
Thursday, January 25th
12:25pm Google Summer of Code and Google Code-in Birds of a Feather session
6:00pm Google Summer of Code and Google Code-in Meetup with GDG Sydney
Friday, January 26th
11:40am The State of Kernel Self-Protection by Kees Cook
1:40pm QUIC: Replacing TCP for the Web by Jana Iyengar
2:35pm The Web Is Dead! Long Live The Web! by Sam Thorogood
Not able to make the conference? They’ll be posting session recordings to YouTube afterwards, thanks in part to students who have worked on TimVideos, a suite of open source software and hardware for recording video, as part of Google Summer of Code.
Naturally, you will also find the Google Open Source team at other upcoming events including FOSDEM. We look forward to seeing you in 2018!
By Josh Simmons, Google Open Source

GSoC Meetups