LinuxCon Europe drew a great crowd of 1000+ free and open source developers to majestic Edinburgh, Scotland during the last week of October. Attendees were there to meet and learn about a wide variety of open source technologies, including Yocto, Gluster, GStreamer, Xen, embedded Linux, Linux in cars, the Linux Kernel - are you sensing a theme?
This week of crunchy codey goodness started our Google Summer of Code “10 Things” campaign visits with a “Birds of a Feather” (BoF) session on the evening of Monday, October 21. Roughly 50 GSoC mentors, past students and interested “yet-to-participate-in-GSoC” attendees came to enjoy brownies, beverages and lots of conversation.
Attendees of the BoF represented a wide range of open source projects, including but not limited to: LibreOffice, Debian, PulseAudio, Apache, Gentoo, Battle for Wesnoth, OpenMRS, Code For America, and Gnome.
My hearty thanks to all of you who came, especially for not making me present a slide deck; it was great how you all pitched in and talked, asking questions and sharing your experiences with the program.
By Cat Allman, Open Source Programs

GSoC 10 Things
GSoC Meetups