9th Year of Google Summer of Code draws to a close
Tuesday, October 1, 2013
The end of summer in the Northern Hemisphere also signals the end of the 2013 Google Summer of Code, our program designed to introduce university students from around the world to open source development.
In June, 1,192 university students from 69 countries began writing code for 177 open source organizations with the help of 2,218 mentors from 71 countries -- quite the team effort! We are excited to announce that 88.6%* (1056) of the students passed their final evaluations. If you would like to read about more numbers on the Google Summer of Code program you can view a variety of statistics on the previous eight years of the program.
Stay tuned to this blog each Friday until the end of the year for wrap up posts from many of this year’s Mentoring organizations.
Now that the program has concluded, the students are busy preparing their code samples for all eyes to see. Soon you will be able to go to the program site where organizations will have links to the student’s code repositories.
Thank you to all of the students, mentors and organization administrators that have helped to make this 9th year of the Google Summer of Code a great success!
By Carol Smith, Open Source Programs
* This number could change slightly in the next few weeks.
