Xen Hackathon 2013 at the Google Dublin office
Tuesday, April 16, 2013
We are pleased to announce that the Ganeti team at Google is hosting the Xen Hackathon 2013 on May 16-17 at the Google offices in Dublin, Ireland.
The aim of the Hackathon is to give developers the opportunity to meet face to face to discuss development, write code and collaborate with other developers as well as allowing everyone to put names with faces. Given that the Ganeti team will host the event, there will be more of a focus on management stacks and cloud integration. This year the organizers are planning more structure at the Hackathons and will cover Xen on ARM, Xen 4.4 planning as well as any topics that attendees may want to discuss.
Pre-registration, which includes a $15 contribution to Threshold (an Irish charity that works to prevent homelessness) is required for attendance. Space is limited for the event and usually fills up very quickly. To register for the Xen Hackathon, visit the event page and request an invitation. You will be notified by email within 10 days as to whether your request has been accepted and then you will need to confirm or reject your invitation. Once you confirm your invitation by filling out your registration details you will be officially registered.
We hope to see you in May!
By Guido Trotter, Ganeti team
