This is the third in our series of posts this summer featuring some of the organizations participating in their first Google Summer of Code. The organizations explain their project and the tasks the students will be working on this summer.
Atomic.Blue is all about gaming, roleplaying and building complex engines. One thing that we learned is that building a mmorpg with open source and free resources is nearly impossible, but we are visionary or blind enough to work on it anyway! A virtual world like PlaneShift has all the elements of a massive entertainment production, including music, sound, settings, artificial intelligence, 3D programming, shaders, server side and client side programming, networking, drawings and 3D models, history, data mining and more.
Google Summer of Code will allow us to attack some of the core features that really need some improvements, including the combat system, the UI, the sounds and the artificial intelligence for our tribes. In particular, on the tribes we want monsters to be able to create villages and dungeons by themselves based on the resources they find. Players will be able to interact with the tribes and decide if they want to help the tribe grow or attack it. We expect a big leap forward thanks to this summer of coding. But there is more to do and if you want to see a free mmorpg, join the fun and contact us!
By Luca Pancallo, PlaneShift founder and project lead
Buildbot is a distributed continuous-integration framework written in Python with Twisted Python. The software is very flexible, and we have a wide variety of users - from small testing systems for open source projects to very large build, test, deployment, and release automation systems. We have two students this year. One is working on adding the notion of a "user" to Buildbot, so that it can correlate the author of a commit with an IRC nickname or an email address and report build results back. The other student is working on simplifying some of the more complex behaviors in Buildbot like checking out the source code to build or test, and consolidating the implementation of that behavior in the master process.
By Dustin Mitchell, BuildBot Organization Administrator
All of us at Universal Subtitles want to give a big welcome to our two Google Summer of Code students, Misha Amashukeli and Rohan Jain. They are working on two related projects: Universal Subtitles browser extensions and a system for requesting subtitles from other users. Together, these two features will bring us a big step closer to our vision of making subtitles and volunteer subtitle creation ubiquitous.
With the Firefox, Chrome, and Internet Explorer extensions Misha is working on, you’ll be able to enable Universal Subtitles on every video you see. Rohan’s work will let you request subtitles from other users when you need them, and get notified when other users need your help.
Misha is in Tbilisi, Georgia and he’s quitting his job at an insurance company because he’d rather work on free and open source web applications (awesome). Rohan is a software developer and open source enthusiast from Jaipur, India who likes coding in Python/Django and who’s been a solid participant in our project since the Google Summer of Code application process began. They were both at the top of a long list of really great Google Summer of Code applicants, so thanks and good luck to everyone else who applied. We were allotted only two slots, so it was hard to choose! Some of the applicants have decided to pursue internships with us this summer outside of the Google Summer of Code program.
By Holmes Wilson, Universal Subtitles Organization Administrator
These are just a few of the 50 new organizations participating in Google Summer of Code this year. Please check back next Friday when we highlight 3 more new organizations. For a complete list of the 175 organizations participating in the Google Summer of Code please visit our program site.
By Stephanie Taylor, Open Source Programs