Despite the recent flooding in Brisbane, Australia, linux.conf.au (lca) will proceed from January 24th to 29th, and Googlers from across the company will be there. LCA is a community-run technical conference for free and open source software enthusiasts, featuring but not limited to Linux. In addition to the many Googlers who will be attending, several Googlers will also be presenting at the conference.
The conference starts on Monday the 24th with a day of miniconfs, and Nóirín Shirley from Google’s Zurich office will be presenting “Open Source: Saving the World” as part of the Haecksen track.Come learn more about the latest happenings in open source, and join us in showing support for Brisbane’s recovery. We hope to see you there!
Google’s Chief Internet Evangelist Vint Cerf will start the day on Tuesday the 25th with his keynote presentation, and later that morning he will present “In Search of Transmission Capacity - a Multicore Dilemma.” On Tuesday afternoon, Google Summer of Code Administrator Carol Smith will give a "Google Summer of Code Update" at the FOSS in Research and Student Innovation Miniconf.
On Wednesday January 26th, Google staff engineer and Linux kernel committer Ted Ts'o will explain “Making file systems scale: A case study using ext4.”
Andrew Gerrand and Nigel Tao of the Go team will give attendees “A Tour of Go” on Thursday the 27th, and Nóirín will present “Baby Steps into Open Source - Incubation and Mentoring at Apache,” which is based on her experience at the Apache Software Foundation.
On Friday the 28th, Carol will present her talk, “The 7 Habits of Highly Ineffective Project Managers” in the morning. A little later in the day, Daniel Bentley and Daniel Nadasi of the open source and Geo teams respectively will talk about “Opening a Closed World,” followed by Marc MERLIN, who works on infrastructure at Google. Marc will discuss “Saving Money with Misterhouse: Running Your Lights and HVAC System. Scaring your cat off the kitchen counter is just a bonus :)”
LCA always closes with Open Day, a free day-long event where the general public can learn about open source, open data - all things “open.” The Open Day is on Saturday the 29th, and Cat Allman of the Open Source Programs Office will be presenting her talk, “What is Open Source?” there.
By Ellen Ko, Open Source Team