2008 New Zealand Open Source Awards
Thursday, July 10, 2008
The deadline for nominations for the 2008 New Zealand Open Source Awards is coming up fast. You have until July 18th GMT (remember the International Dateline!) to submit a nomination, either for an individual Kiwi for their contribution to a project or Open Source in general, or for a New Zealand organization for "exemplary use of open source". The award categories are:
- Open Source Contributor
- Open Source Software Project
- Open Source Use in Government
- Open Source Use in Business
- Open Source Use in Education
- Open Source Use in Infrastructure
- Open Source Use for Community Organizations
Google's Open Source Team is a proud sponsor of the 2008 New Zealand Open Source Awards, and we're excited to ask all of you join in the quest to find the best Kiwi Open Sourcerers. The nominees must all be New Zealanders or New Zealand organizations, but you don't have to be a Kiwi to put in a nomination. The organizers of the awards specifically encourage you to interpret "open source" in its widest sense (i.e. it need not refer to specific licenses), but will generally be taken to mean a technological system where open collaboration and innovation prevails, so be as creative as you like.
