
Easier and More Powerful Observability with the OpenCensus Agent and Collector

Tuesday, June 4, 2019

The OpenCensus project has grown considerably over the past year, and we’ve had several significant announcements in the first half of 2019, including the project’s merger into OpenTelemetry. The features discussed in this post will move into OpenTelemetry over the coming months.

For those who aren’t already familiar with the project, OpenCensus provides a set of libraries that collect distributed traces and application metrics from your applications and send them to your backend of choice. Google announced OpenCensus one year ago, and the community has since grown to include large companies, major cloud providers, and APM vendors. OpenCensus includes integrations with popular web, RPC, and storage clients out of the box, along with exporters that allow it to send captured telemetry to your backend of choice.

We’ve recently enhanced OpenCensus with two new components: an optional agent that can manage exporters and collect system telemetry from VMs and containers, and an optional collector service that offers improved trace sampling and metrics aggregation. While we’ve already demonstrated these components on stage at Kubecon and Next, we’re now ready to show them more broadly and encourage their use.

The OpenCensus Agent

The OpenCensus agent is an optional component that can be deployed to each of your virtual machines or kubernetes pods. The agent receives traces and metrics from OpenCensus libraries, collects system telemetry, and can even capture data from a variety of different sources including Zipkin, Jaeger, and Prometheus. The agent has several benefits over exporting telemetry directly from the OpenCensus libraries:
  • The OpenCensus libraries export data to the OpenCensus agent by default, meaning that backend exporters can be reconfigured on the agent without having to rebuild or redeploy your application. This provides value for applications with high deployment costs and for PaaS-like platforms that have OpenCensus already integrated.
  • While the OpenCensus libraries collect application-level telemetry, the agent also captures system metrics like CPU and memory consumption and exports these to your backend of choice.
  • You can configure stats aggregations without redeploying your application.
  • The OpenCensus agent will host z-pages. While we originally made these a part of the libraries, we’ll be moving this functionality to the agent. This should result in a higher quality diagnostic page experience, as we’ll no longer have to reimplement the pages in each language.
  • The OpenCensus agent uses the same exporters already written for the Go OpenCensus library.
While directly exporting to a backend will remain a common use case for developers, we expect most larger deployments to start using the OpenCensus agent. The agent is currently in beta and we expect it to reach production ready quality and feature completeness later this year.

The OpenCensus Collector

The OpenCensus collector and agent share the same source code and are both optional – the key difference is how they’re deployed. While the agent runs on each host, the collector is deployed as a service and receives data from OpenCensus libraries and agents running across multiple hosts. The collector has several benefits over exporting telemetry directly from the OpenCensus libraries or agent:
  • Intelligent (tail based) trace sampling is one of the biggest benefits of the collector. By configuring your OpenCensus libraries to sample all traces and send all spans to the collector, you can have the collector perform sampling decisions after the fact! For example, you can configure the collector to sample the slowest one percent of traces at 30%, traces with errors at 100%, and all other traces at 1%!
  • The collector performs well and can be sharded across multiple instances. Current performance scales linearly across cores, allowing 10,000 spans to be collected per 1.2 cores.
  • The collector can be used as a proxy for other telemetry sources. In addition to receiving data from OpenCensus libraries and agents, Zipkin clients, Jaeger clients, and Prometheus clients, the service can be used to receive telemetry from client applications running on the web or on mobile devices.
  • The collector will soon host z-pages for your entire cluster. This is simply an expansion of the z-page functionality that we’ve added to the OpenCensus agent.
  • The collector can be used to apply telemetry policies across your entire application including adding span attributes such as region to all spans received, stripping personally identifiable information by removing or overwriting span attributes, or mapping span attributes to different names.

When to Use Each

As mentioned above, both the agent and collector are optional, and we expect that some developers will continue to export traces and metrics directly from the OpenCensus libraries. However, we expect both to become quite popular in the following scenarios:
  • Many organizations don’t want to have to rebuild and redeploy their apps when they change exporters. The agent provides the flexibility to change exporters without having to modify and redeploy your code.
  • With the OpenCensus agent you can capture system metrics via the same pipeline used to extract application metrics and distributed traces from your application.
  • If you want to make trace sampling decisions more intelligently, you’ll need to start using the collector.
  • With the OpenCensus collector you can minimize egress points and support features including batching, queuing and retry. These features are important when sending tracing and metric data to SaaS-based backends.
  • Platform providers can include the OpenCensus agent and collector into their services, making them available out of the box to customers.


Both the agent and collector are currently in beta, though we know that several companies are already using them in their production services. We’re working towards the 1.0 release of each of these, and we expect this to occur by the end of Q2.

In the meantime, please join us on GitHub, Gitter, and in our monthly community meetings!