
Posts from September 2016

Another year of Haskell Hacking in the Google Zurich Office

Friday, September 30, 2016

For the fourth time, the Google Open Source Programs Office have co-sponsored a three-day hackathon for Haskell, an open source functional programming language. Gleb Peregud from Google’s Zurich office talks more about the event below.

On the weekend of July 22nd, 126 Haskell enthusiasts got together for another installment of ZuriHac, a yearly open source Haskell hackathon held in Zurich, Switzerland, and like the last two years it took place at Google Zurich.

Participants could either hack uninterrupted in the main room or listen to a number of presentations in the tech talk room. Each day was kicked off with a keynote — Bas van Dijk talked about the use of functional programming at LumiGuide (slides), Edward Kmett about monad homomorphisms, and Andres Löh about generic-sop, a new approach to generic programming. All three talks drew a full room of interested listeners.

We also prepared two codelabs for Haskell beginners, and rallied 28 dedicated volunteers to serve as mentors (thank you all!) so that there was always someone to ask for help.

Aside from keynotes, there were five other talks: an experience report on parallelizing and distributing scientific computations (slides), an overview of a language to program FPGAs called CλaSH, an interactive tour through low-level pieces of the GHC Haskell compiler, an introduction to web programming using Spock (slides) and a talk on revamping the build system of GHC (slides).

Spontaneous mini-lectures attract smaller crowds.
As is traditional, after a full Saturday of hacking, we went out to barbecue down by the Zurich lake.

We were lucky that weather forecast was mistaken about a looming thunderstorm!
We managed to beat last year's record, and welcomed 126 attendees. We hope to have even more participants next year - our goal is to host 150 hackers in 2017. See you in a year!

By Gleb Peregud, Site Reliability Engineer

.NET and PowerShell tooling for the Google Cloud Platform

Thursday, September 29, 2016

Last month Google made an announcement unveiling support for Visual Studio, C#, PowerShell, Microsoft SQL Server and more on the Google Cloud Platform. With so many  new features, it is easy to gloss over some of the technical aspects of the announcement, especially the fact that all of the developer tooling and libraries are open source and available on GitHub.

This post will go into some of the details behind the new C# libraries, PowerShell cmdlets, and Visual Studio extension. All three products are open source, have an exciting roadmap for the future and are hungry for your feedback.

C# bindings for Google APIs


For years, Google has had innovative technologies powering its data centers, unfortunately Google’s internal APIs and technology couldn’t directly benefit you and your software. That was, until the Google Cloud Platform started exposing public APIs for things like machine learning, storage, logging etc. With these APIs publicly available, you can add powerful capabilities to your apps without needing to manage complex infrastructure.

There have been C# bindings for Google APIs for years. In fact, Google receives hundreds of millions of API calls from C# clients every day. But newer APIs, especially those from the Google Cloud Platform, require more advanced features like bidirectional streaming. That’s why rather than using HTTP/REST many newer Google APIs are built on top of gRPC, a high performance, open source universal RPC framework.

But don’t worry, we have C# bindings for those gRPC-based APIs too; all of it open source and on GitHub.

In both cases, the client library is the result of a C# code generator. We take the API’s discovery document (analogous to a WSDL) and generate C# code. gRPC APIs require more careful design than other APIs, but the end product is the same. Once built, the API libraries are published to NuGet.

C# code generators for Google APIs isn’t the entire story.

Source code generated from tools can look foreign at times. So for libraries where the codegen isn’t good enough, we have hand-written wrappers to provide a better, more idiomatic experience. In some cases -- such as CRUD operations using the Datastore API -- the hand-written library cuts down on the required lines of code by half.

Finally, support for C# doesn’t just mean code. We are also working to ensure Google APIs are supported on different runtimes too. Most Google APIs work on the cross-platform .NET Core runtime and we are continuing to expand support.

PowerShell support


C# support is great when you are writing full applications, but for DevOps, scripting is more typical. The Cloud SDK provides command-line tools (gcloud, gsutil) for managing cloud resources, but when running on Windows, Windows PowerShell is a dramatically more productive environment. Google Cloud tools for PowerShell is a set of cmdlets so you can manage your Google cloud resources. They are strongly typed, and integrate seamlessly with other PowerShell tools. For example, to learn more about a cmdlet, just use Get-Help.

In designing the PowerShell cmdlets, the main goal was to be idiomatic. We wanted to follow the best practices and guidelines so PowerShell novices and pros alike could use our cmdlets. Of course, if we have anything wrong, please log an issue on the GitHub repository. Pull requests are also welcome.

Visual Studio


The C# and PowerShell features should help developers using Google services. But the biggest impact on developer productivity comes from being inside the Visual Studio IDE.

From within Visual Studio you can search for new extensions and find the Google Cloud Platform Extension for Visual Studio. It provides tools for viewing/managing data stored in Google Cloud Storage and Google Cloud SQL. It also provides support for deploying ASP.NET 4.x applications to Google Compute Engine.

It is only the first release and we have some big plans for the future. You can see a lot of the short-term features we have planned by looking at the issues list in GitHub. Like making Google APIs light up for the new .NET Core runtime, being able to deploy ASP.NET Core applications to Google App Engine or Google Container Engine will be huge. Stay tuned for a future blog post about how to run C# on Google App Engine Flexible Environment, as well.

We’re just getting started

Hopefully you share my enthusiasm for Google’s ongoing development in .NET tooling. Not only is it exciting to be able to take advantage of Google Cloud Platform technologies, but also to see a future where .NET Core enables C# code to run cross-platform.

But to be successful we need your help.

If you have questions, be sure to ask on Stack Overflow (e.g. the google-cloud-visualstudio or google-cloud-powershell tags). If you have problems, please open issues on GitHub (libraries, VS, PowerShell). If you still have trouble, participate in the google-cloud-dev group.

The team here at Google is thrilled to be working with the .NET stack and your feedback is immensely helpful in prioritizing things.

By Chris Smith, Software Engineer

A sizzling open source release for the Australian Election site

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Originally posted on the Geo Developers Blog

One of the best parts of my job at Google is 20 percent time. While I was hired to help developers use Google’s APIs, I value the time I'm afforded to be a student myself—to learn new technologies and solve real-world problems. A few weeks prior to the recent Australian election an opportunity presented itself. A small team in Sydney set their sights on helping the 15 million voters stay informed of how to participate, track real-time results, and (of course) find the closest election sausage sizzle!

Our team of designers, engineers and product managers didn't have an immediate sense of how to attack the problem. What we did have was the power of Google’s APIs, programming languages, and Cloud hosting with Firebase and Google Cloud Platform.

The result is a mish-mash of some technologies we'd been wanting to learn more about. We're open sourcing the repository to give developers a sense of what happens when you get a handful of engineers in a room with a clear goal and a immovable deadline.

The Election AU 2016 repository uses:

  • Go from Google App Engine instances to serve the appropriate level of detail for users' viewport queries from memory at very low latency, and
  • Dart to render the live result maps on top of Google Maps JavaScript API using Firebase real time database updates.

A product is only as good as the attention and usage is receives. Our team was really happy with the results of our work:

  • 406,000 people used our maps, including 217,000 on election day.
  • We had 139 stories in the media.
  • Our map was also embedded in major news websites, such as Sky News.

Complete setup and installation instructions are available in the GitHub README.

By Brett Morgan, Developer Programs Engineer

Google Open Source Peer Bonus Program

Friday, September 23, 2016

Five years ago the Open Source Programs Office established the Open Source Peer Bonus Program to remind Googlers of the importance of the myriad developers outside of Google who keep open source healthy and growing.

The program works like this: we invite Googlers to nominate open source developers outside of the company who deserve recognition for their contributions to interesting open source projects including those used by Google. After review by a team of volunteer engineers, the recipients receive our heartfelt thanks and a small token of our appreciation.

We have recognized more than 500 open source developers from 30+ countries who have contributed their time and talent to over 400 open source projects.

Having just finished the latest round of the program, we’d like to recognize the individuals and the projects they worked on. Here’s everyone who gave us permission to thank them publicly:

Name Project Name Project
Olli Etuaho ANGLE Alexander Morozov Go programming language
Minko Gechev Angular Joel Sing LibreSSL
Georgios Kalpakas Angular Daniel Borkmann Linux kernel
Spencer Low AOSP (Android) Michael Ellerman Linux kernel
Holden Karau Apache Spark Heiko Stuebner Linux kernel
Dave Taht Bufferbloat Jonathan Garbee Material Design Lite
Leon Han Chromium Chris Sullo Nikto
Yoav Weiss Chromium Carl Friedrich Bolz PyPy
Rob Wu Chromium Brett Cannon Python
Faisal Vali Clang Raymond Hettinger Python
Matt Godbolt Compiler Explorer Tim Peters Python
Paul Kocialkowski coreboot Tully Foote ROS
Jonathan Kollasch coreboot Igor Babuschkin TensorFlow
Nicolas Reinecke coreboot Yuan Tang TensorFlow
Werner Zeh coreboot Hanno Boeck The Fuzzing Project
Daniel Greenfeld Django Khaled Hosny TruFont
Eric Whitney ext4 Tom Rini U-Boot
Ben Martin FontForge Caitlin Potter V8
Dmitri Shuralyov go-github Brian Behlendorf ZFS on Linux

Congratulations all and thank you so much for your contributions to the open source community!

By Helen Hu, Open Source Programs Office

Angular, version 2: proprioception-reinforcement

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Originally posted on the Angular Blog

Today, at a special meetup at Google HQ, we announced the final release version of Angular 2, the full-platform successor to Angular 1.

What does "final" mean? Stability that's been validated across a wide range of use cases, and a framework that's been optimized for developer productivity, small payload size, and performance. With ahead-of-time compilation and built-in lazy-loading, we’ve made sure that you can deploy the fastest, smallest applications across the browser, desktop, and mobile environments. This release also represents huge improvements to developer productivity with the Angular CLI and styleguide.

Angular 1 first solved the problem of how to develop for an emerging web. Six years later, the challenges faced by today’s application developers, and the sophistication of the devices that applications must support, have both changed immensely. With this release, and its more capable versions of the Router, Forms, and other core APIs, today you can build amazing apps for any platform. If you prefer your own approach, Angular is also modular and flexible, so you can use your favorite third-party library or write your own.

From the beginning, we built Angular in collaboration with the open source development community. We are grateful to the large number of contributors who dedicated time to submitting pull requests, issues, and repro cases, who discussed and debated design decisions, and validated (and pushed back on) our RCs. We wish we could have brought every one of you in person to our meetup so you could celebrate this milestone with us tonight!

What’s next?

Angular is now ready for the world, and we’re excited for you to join the thousands of developers already building with Angular 2.  But what’s coming next for Angular?

A few of the things you can expect in the near future from the Angular team:

  • Bug fixes and non-breaking features for APIs marked as stable
  • More guides and live examples specific to your use cases
  • More work on animations
  • Angular Material 2
  • Moving WebWorkers out of experimental
  • More features and more languages for Angular Universal
  • Even more speed and payload size improvements

Semantic Versioning

We heard loud and clear that our RC labeling was confusing. To make it easy to manage dependencies on stable Angular releases, starting today with Angular 2.0.0, we will move to semantic versioning.  Angular versioning will then follow the MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH scheme as described by semver:

  1. the MAJOR version gets incremented when incompatible API changes are made to stable APIs,
  2. the MINOR version gets incremented when backwards-compatible functionality are added,
  3. the PATCH version gets incremented when backwards-compatible bug are fixed.

Moving Angular to semantic versioning ensures rapid access to the newest features for our component and tooling ecosystem, while preserving a consistent and reliable development environment for production applications that depend on stability between major releases, but still benefit from bug fixes and new APIs.


Aaron Frost, Aaron (Ron) Tsui, Adam Bradley, Adil Mourahi, agpreynolds, Ajay Ambre, Alberto Santini, Alec Wiseman, Alejandro Caravaca Puchades, Alex Castillo, Alex Eagle, Alex Rickabaugh, Alex Wolfe, Alexander Bachmann, Alfonso Presa, Ali Johnson, Aliaksei Palkanau, Almero Steyn, Alyssa Nicoll, Alxandr, André Gil, Andreas Argelius, Andreas Wissel, Andrei Alecu, Andrei Tserakhau, Andrew, Andrii Nechytailov, Ansel Rosenberg, Anthony Zotti, Anton Moiseev, Artur Meyster, asukaleido, Aysegul Yonet, Aziz Abbas, Basarat Ali Syed, BeastCode, Ben Nadel, Bertrand Laporte, Blake La Pierre, Bo Guo, Bob Nystrom, Borys Semerenko, Bradley Heinz, Brandon Roberts, Brendan Wyse, Brian Clark, Brian Ford, Brian Hsu, dozingcat, Brian Yarger, Bryce Johnson, CJ Avilla, cjc343, Caitlin Potter, Cédric Exbrayat, Chirayu Krishnappa, Christian Weyer, Christoph Burgdorf, Christoph Guttandin, Christoph Hoeller, Christoffer Noring, Chuck Jazdzewski, Cindy, Ciro Nunes, Codebacca, Cody Lundquist, Cody-Nicholson, Cole R Lawrence, Constantin Gavrilete, Cory Bateman, Craig Doremus, crisbeto, Cuel, Cyril Balit, Cyrille Tuzi, Damien Cassan, Dan Grove, Dan Wahlin, Daniel Leib, Daniel Rasmuson, dapperAuteur, Daria Jung, David East, David Fuka, David Reher, David-Emmanuel Divernois, Davy Engone, Deborah Kurata, Derek Van Dyke, DevVersion, Dima Kuzmich, Dimitrios Loukadakis, Dmitriy Shekhovtsov, Dmitry Patsura, Dmitry Zamula, Dmytro Kulyk, Donald Spencer, Douglas Duteil, dozingcat, Drew Moore, Dylan Johnson, Edd Hannay, Edouard Coissy, eggers, elimach, Elliott Davis, Eric Jimenez, Eric Lee Carraway, Eric Martinez, Eric Mendes Dantas, Eric Tsang, Essam Al Joubori, Evan Martin, Fabian Raetz, Fahimnur Alam, Fatima Remtullah, Federico Caselli, Felipe Batista, Felix Itzenplitz, Felix Yan, Filip Bruun, Filipe Silva, Flavio Corpa, Florian Knop, Foxandxss, Gabe Johnson, Gabe Scholz, GabrielBico, Gautam krishna.R, Georgii Dolzhykov, Georgios Kalpakas, Gerd Jungbluth, Gerard Sans, Gion Kunz, Gonzalo Ruiz de Villa, Grégory Bataille, Günter Zöchbauer, Hank Duan, Hannah Howard, Hans Larsen, Harry Terkelsen, Harry Wolff, Henrique Limas, Henry Wong, Hiroto Fukui, Hongbo Miao, Huston Hedinger, Ian Riley, Idir Ouhab Meskine, Igor Minar, Ioannis Pinakoulakis, The Ionic Team, Isaac Park, Istvan Novak, Itay Radotzki, Ivan Gabriele, Ivey Padgett, Ivo Gabe de Wolff, J. Andrew Brassington, Jack Franklin, Jacob Eggers, Jacob MacDonald, Jacob Richman, Jake Garelick, James Blacklock, James Ward, Jason Choi, Jason Kurian, Jason Teplitz, Javier Ros, Jay Kan, Jay Phelps, Jay Traband, Jeff Cross, Jeff Whelpley, Jennifer Bland, jennyraj, Jeremy Attali, Jeremy Elbourn, Jeremy Wilken, Jerome Velociter, Jesper Rønn-Jensen, Jesse Palmer, Jesús Rodríguez, Jesús Rodríguez, Jimmy Gong, Joe Eames, Joel Brewer, John Arstingstall, John Jelinek IV, John Lindquist, John Papa, John-David Dalton, Jonathan Miles, Joost de Vries, Jorge Cruz, Josef Meier, Josh Brown, Josh Gerdes, Josh Kurz, Josh Olson, Josh Thomas, Joseph Perrott, Joshua Otis, Josu Guiterrez, Julian Motz, Julie Ralph, Jules Kremer, Justin DuJardin, Kai Ruhnau, Kapunahele Wong, Kara Erickson, Kathy Walrath, Keerti Parthasarathy, Kenneth Hahn, Kevin Huang, Kevin Kirsche, Kevin Merckx, Kevin Moore, Kevin Western, Konstantin Shcheglov, Kurt Hong, Levente Morva, laiso, Lina Lu, LongYinan, Lucas Mirelmann, Luka Pejovic, Lukas Ruebbelke, Marc Fisher, Marc Laval, Marcel Good, Marcy Sutton, Marcus Krahl, Marek Buko, Mark Ethan Trostler, Martin Gontovnikas, Martin Probst, Martin Staffa, Matan Lurey, Mathias Raacke, Matias Niemelä, Matt Follett, Matt Greenland, Matt Wheatley, Matteo Suppo, Matthew Hill, Matthew Schranz, Matthew Windwer, Max Sills, Maxim Salnikov, Melinda Sarnicki Bernardo, Michael Giambalvo, Michael Goderbauer, Michael Mrowetz, Michael-Rainabba Richardson, Michał Gołębiowski, Mikael Morlund, Mike Ryan, Minko Gechev, Miško Hevery, Mohamed Hegazy, Nan Schweiger, Naomi Black, Nathan Walker, The NativeScript Team, Nicholas Hydock, Nick Mann, Nick Raphael, Nick Van Dyck, Ning Xia, Olivier Chafik, Olivier Combe, Oto Dočkal, Pablo Villoslada Puigcerber, Pascal Precht, Patrice Chalin, Patrick Stapleton, Paul Gschwendtner, Pawel Kozlowski, Pengfei Yang, Pete Bacon Darwin, Pete Boere, Pete Mertz, Philip Harrison, Phillip Alexander, Phong Huynh, Polvista, Pouja, Pouria Alimirzaei, Prakal, Prayag Verma, Rado Kirov, Raul Jimenez, Razvan Moraru, Rene Weber, Rex Ye, Richard Harrington, Richard Kho, Richard Sentino, Rob Eisenberg, Rob Richardson, Rob Wormald, Robert Ferentz, Robert Messerle, Roberto Simonetti, Rodolfo Yabut, Sam Herrmann, Sam Julien, Sam Lin, Sam Rawlins, Sammy Jelin, Sander Elias, Scott Hatcher, Scott Hyndman, Scott Little, ScottSWu, Sebastian Hillig, Sebastian Müller, Sebastián Duque, Sekib Omazic, Shahar Talmi, Shai Reznik, Sharon DiOrio, Shannon Ayres, Shefali Sinha, Shlomi Assaf, Shuhei Kagawa, Sigmund Cherem, Simon Hürlimann (CyT), Simon Ramsay, Stacy Gay, Stephen Adams, Stephen Fluin, Steve Mao, Steve Schmitt, Suguru Inatomi, Tamas Csaba, Ted Sander, Tero Parviainen, Thierry Chatel, Thierry Templier, Thomas Burleson, Thomas Henley, Tim Blasi, Tim Ruffles, Timur Meyster, Tobias Bosch, Tony Childs, Tom Ingebretsen, Tom Schoener, Tommy Odom, Torgeir Helgevold, Travis Kaufman, Trotyl Yu, Tycho Grouwstra, The Typescript Team, Uli Köhler, Uri Shaked, Utsav Shah, Valter Júnior, Vamsi V, Vamsi Varikuti, Vanga Sasidhar, Veikko Karsikko, Victor Berchet, Victor Mejia, Victor Savkin, Vinci Rufus, Vijay Menon, Vikram Subramanian, Vivek Ghaisas, Vladislav Zarakovsky, Vojta Jina, Ward Bell, Wassim Chegham, Wenqian Guo, Wesley Cho, Will Ngo, William Johnson, William Welling, Wilson Mendes Neto, Wojciech Kwiatek, Yang Lin, Yegor Jbanov, Zach Bjornson, Zhicheng Wang, and many more...

With gratitude and appreciation, and anticipation to see what you'll build next, welcome to the next stage of Angular.

By Jules Kremer, Angular Team

Introducing OpenType Font Variations

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Cześć and hello from the ATypI conference in Warsaw! Together with Microsoft, Apple and Adobe, we’re happy to announce the launch of variable fonts as part of OpenType 1.8, the newest version of the font standard. With variable fonts, your device can display text in myriads of weights, widths, or other stylistic variations from a single font file with less space and bandwidth.
 OpenType variable fonts support OpenType Layout variation.
To prevent that the $ sign becomes a black blob,
the stroke disappears at a certain weight.

At Google, we started tinkering with variable fonts about two years ago. We were fascinated by the typographic opportunities, and we got really excited when we realized that variable fonts would also help to save space and bandwidth. We proposed reviving Apple’s TrueType GX variations in OpenType, and started experimenting with it in our tools. The folks at Microsoft then started a four-way collaboration between Microsoft, Apple, Adobe, and Google, together with experts from type foundries and tool makers. Microsoft did the spec work; Apple brought their existing technology and expertise; Adobe updated their CFF format into CFF2; and we brought the tools and testing we’d been developing.  After months of intense polishing, the specification is now finished.

On the Google end, we did a lot of work to build, edit and display variable fonts:
As always, all our font tools are free and open source for everyone to use and contribute.

Now that the spec is public, we can finish the work by merging the changes upstream so that our code will soon flow into products. We’ll also update Noto to support variations (for many writing systems, the sources are already there — the rest will follow). Much more work lies ahead, for example, implementing variations in Google Fonts. Together with other browser makers, we’re already working on a proposal to extend CSS fonts with variations. Once everyone agrees on the format, we’ll support it in Google Chrome. And there are many other challenges ahead, like incorporating font variations into other Google products—so it will be a busy time for us!  We are incredibly excited that an amazing technology from 23 years ago is coming back to life again today. Huge thanks to our friends at Adobe, Apple, and Microsoft for a great collaboration!

To learn more, read Introducing OpenType Variable Fonts, or talk to us at the FontTools group.

By Behdad Esfahbod and Sascha Brawer, Fonts and Text Rendering, Google Internationalization

Google Summer of Code 2016 statistics: celebrating our mentors

Friday, September 9, 2016

Our final statistics post of the year is dedicated to to the incredible Google Summer of Code (GSoC) 2016 mentors. There were a total of 2,524 mentors, but today we'll look at the 1,500+ mentors who were assigned to an active project. Mentors are the lifeblood of our program. Without their hard work and dedication to the success of our students, there would be no GSoC. A merry band of volunteers, mentors work with students for more than 12 weeks — remotely, across multiple time zones, giving their time, expertise and guidance in addition to a regular full-time job for an average of 7.45 hours a week. Today we’ll take a closer look at our 2016 team.

GSoC 2016 mentors reside all over the world and represent 66 countries.

Want to see the data? Here’s the breakdown of the countries our mentors come from.

We have many mentors who participate in GSoC year after year. In 2016, we have six mentors who have participated since the program’s inception in 2005! GSoC “lifer” Bart Massey, who participated as a mentor for Portland State University and X.Org had this to say about his time with GSoC:

“I'm not sure which is more astonishing, that I am 12 years older with GSoC or that GSoC is 12 years old with me. Some of the most fantastic, interesting, brilliant and hardworking folks on the planet have gotten together every year for 12 years to change the world: Google folks and open source leadership and skilled, special students. It's been great to get to be part of it all, both as Portland State University and during my time with X.Org...I hope I get to keep working with and hanging out with these people I love every year forever.” 

Awww, we love you too Bart!

There are also plenty of newbies to the program each year and 2016 is no exception. We’d like to welcome 528 (33%) new mentors to the GSoC family.

Some fun facts:
  • Average age: 32
  • Youngest: 14
  • Oldest: 78
  • Most common mentor first name: David
At the end of each program year, we invite two mentors from each participating organization to join us at the Mentor Summit, a three day unconference at Google HQ in Northern California. There they enjoy a weekend with their peers to talk about all things open source-y (a technical term) and have some fun.

A huge thanks to each and every Google Summer of Code mentor. We salute you.

By Mary Radomile, Open Source Programs

Google Summer of Code 2016 is a wrap

Friday, September 2, 2016


As school in much of the world begins, Google Summer of Code 2016 winds down. The last three months have seen a whirlwind of activity on over 178 open source projects. University students from around the globe have been working with their mentors to contribute their technical skills to the common good.

Student participants submitted their completed work late last month, mentors evaluated the submissions, and the results have been announced.

We accepted 1,206 university students from 67 countries in April and we are excited to announce that 1,032 students (85.6%) successfully completed the program. To learn more about how that compares to previous years, check out our statistics from the last eleven years.

Google Summer of Code isn’t over though. In October we’ll be hosting our annual mentor summit in Sunnyvale, California where mentors and organization administrations will meet and exchange ideas.

Thank you to all of the students, mentors and organization administrators for your contributions to open source and for making the 12th year of Google Summer of Code such a great success!

By Josh Simmons, Open Source Programs Office