
Posts from August 2011

Final Days of 2011 Google Summer of Code

Monday, August 15, 2011

This summer has been an exciting one for the Google Summer of Code. We had 175 organizations participating this year, 48 of which were participating for the first time in the program. We also had 1115 students accepted into the program back in May.

Currently we are in the final week of this year's Google Summer of Code. Today, Monday August 15th, is our suggested ‘pencils down’ date. Students have a week to scrub their code, write tests, improve the documentation and perform any other recommendations their mentors might make before the firm end date of this year’s program - Monday, August 22nd.

For more information on our organizations or the projects students are working on you can visit our program site. Stay tuned for another post in the coming weeks with the final stats for this year's Google Summer of Code.

By Stephanie Taylor, Open Source Programs

FISL 12 was a Blast!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Earlier this summer I attended FISL 12 in Porto Alegre, Brazil. The International Free Software Forum (FISL) is one of Latin America’s largest free and open source software conferences, regularly drawing thousands of attendees from across the globe.

I spoke to the crowd on the first day of the conference (and right after the state governor!) about the Google Summer of Code program. I gave an overview of Google Summer of Code for those attendees who weren’t familiar with the program. I also highlighted some interesting statistics from this year’s program and encouraged everyone in the audience to participate in future programs and to spread the word to their friends and family.

We had a meetup later in the day where I heard firsthand from the students attending the conference about their experiences with the program. Some of the students at the Google Summer of Code meetup are working on their first year of the program and others had participated in the program for as many as four years.

No trip to Brazil would be complete without some delicious Brazilian cuisine - fellow Googlers and I had a wonderful dinner at the churrascaria we went to after the conference was over. The city of Porto Alegre is absolutely beautiful, and the people were a pleasure to meet!

I will definitely be returning to Brazil soon, thanks to everyone who made my stay so much fun!

By Carol Smith, Open Source Team

Who’s New in Google Summer of Code: Part 10 Final Edition

Friday, August 5, 2011

Every Friday this summer we have spotlighted three or four of the new organizations participating in this year’s Google Summer of Code. For our final post in the summer series we have organization administrators from Processing, Orange, and FOSSASIA discussing their projects and some of the tasks their students have been working on all summer.

Processing is a programming language, development environment, and online community that promotes software literacy within the visual arts. It focuses on programming graphics, animation, and interactive applications. Because Processing is free and open source, it is easily accessible to schools and students around the world. The Processing community has written over one hundred libraries to extend the software into other domains including computer vision, data visualization, music, and electronics.

This is our first year participating in Google Summer of Code and we are thrilled to have two great students helping us on our project. Peter Kalauskas is busy working on Dynamic Library Loading. Currently the Processing software is extended by libraries that need to be downloaded and installed separately. Peter’s work will make it possible to add and update libraries through our IDE (Integrated Developer Environment). Harshani Nawarathnai is working on enhancing the PDE (Processing Development Environment); work has started on a version that is built on top of Eclipse. We hope this will bring advanced IDE features into Processing, while maintaining the simplicity of our editor/compiler. For now, there's a working Eclipse plug-in, but we're working to support our own standalone application that supports all the syntax and static checking tools available in Eclipse for other languages.

By Casey Reas, Processing Organization Administrator

Orange, Data Mining Fruitful & Fun, is an open source component-based data mining and machine learning software suite. Orange features easy to use yet powerful and flexible visual programming front-end for explorative data analysts and visualization, and Python bindings and libraries for scripting. Being developed at the Bioinformatics Laboratory at the Faculty of Computer and Information Science, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, it is actively used in research, incorporating cutting edge tools and techniques, and it is constantly evolving.
This summer, through the Google Summer of Code program, we have three students working on improving various aspects of Orange. Marinka Zitnik is working on providing the Orange community with a unified and efficient interface to matrix factorization algorithms and methods. Wencan Luo is extending Orange to support multi-label classification. Miha Cancula is replacing the current visualization framework based on Qwt with a custom library, depending on Qt. We are already seeing very useful results from the students' work.
By Mitar Milutinovic, Orange Organization Administrator

FOSSASIA is participating in Google Summer of Code for the first time this summer. The goal of the FOSSASIA network is to bring young Open Source developers together with experienced international developers to join or start new Free and Open Source projects. FOSSASIA’s Google Summer of Code projects focus on open source for social change and communication. All the students are putting in a lot of effort, however their progress is varying as students have different skill levels.

The project of “foo-script” (Adam Rakowski) is moving forward most quickly. He expands the uses for the next Crypto-Stick (an USB hardware device with an integrated openGPG smart card firmware) edition and develops plugins for popular applications like Firefox. With the Stick you can easily encrypt your emails and achieve convenient online authentication. Secondly Chanrithy Thim, the MoonOS developer from Cambodia has been improving Appshell, a framework for applications that lets developers easily create application bundles. A single file contains all the data and files needed to run an application, so all a user has to do is to launch it. Google Summer of Code projects will be presented at this year’s FOSSASIA Summit taking place in Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon) on November 11-13, 2011.

By Hong Phuc, FOSSASIA Organization Administrator
These are just a few of the 48 new organizations participating in this 7th year of the Google Summer of Code. For a complete list of the 175 organizations participating in the Google Summer of Code visit our program site. This year’s program wraps up with ‘pencils down’ on August 22nd, for other important dates please check our timeline.

By Stephanie Taylor, Open Source Programs

DebConf11 at Banja Luka

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

The 12th annual Debian Developers Conference (called DebConf) took place last week in the city of Banja Luka (Бања Лука) in Republika Srpska (Република Српска) in Bosnia and Herzegovina (Босна и Херцеговина). On Sunday July 24th, the conference began with DebianDay, a conference day aimed at a wider, local audience. It featured talks including “Understanding Debian” presented by our very own Bdale Garbee and “Debian in Enterprise: A Google Case Study”, presented by Googlers Jesus Climent and Guido Trotter. DebianDay was a great success, not only bringing the Debian Community closer to local contributors, but also by catching the interest of the general population as has never happened before.

DebianDay (cc-by-2.0 aigarius)

The opening ceremony was not only attended by Jasmin Komic, the Minister of Science and Technology, but also by Aleksandar Džombic, the Prime Minister. In a moving speech, Milorad Dodik, the President of Republika Srpska told the audience that he is proud to see that Banja Luka and Republika Srpska were successful in their quest to host DebConf11, as there was some fierce competition to host the event.

DebConf continued through July 31 and featured a 78 session program (not including spontaneous "ad hoc" sessions) which included talks and workshops on Multiarch, ports to new architectures, and better collaboration with derivative distributions, as well as an extensive social program. Over 400 participants from 50 countries attended this year’s conference.

Also this year, we selected two students from the Google Summer of Code program in the Debian project to go to Banja Luka to present talks, receive feedback on their projects, gather new ideas, and establish relationships with fellow developers.

Google Summer of Code students and mentors,
(top) Piotr Ożarowski, Ana Guerrero, Sukhbir Singh, Tom Marble,
(bottom) Samuel Thibault, Sylvestre Ledru, Obey Arthur Liu, Guillaume Mazoyer, Wookey
(cc-by-2.0 Obey Arthur Liu)

DebConf 11 was the first major open source event I have ever attended. It is really great to meet people I speak with every day. DebConf is really a wonderful experience where we can talk about a lot of interesting things like what Debian is, how Debian works and we also have a lot of fun. I met our Google Summer of Code organization administrators and talked about what we can do to make it rock. I was also pleased to meet my mentors, Tom Marble and Sylvestre Ledru, to get to know them better and work on our project. I also gave a talk (video) about the progress of my project on July 30th at DebConf to show the community what I have accomplished so far this summer in the program.

Last week was a busy one since I tried to make some progress on my project and to attend talks which could help me to resolve some issues I am having with my project. Before this year’s Google Summer of Code I was already involved in Debian, so attending DebConf and meeting people who love their universal operating system, encourages me to stay in this community for a while because we are doing great things and we learn a lot along the way.

By Guillaume Mazoyer, Debian Google Summer of Code student


Meeting people in real life has always been better than email/IRC and this fact was exemplified at DebConf this year because not only did I get to meet my mentor but I was also able to interact with people from the Debian community. Yay!

DebConf proved to be an even more wonderful experience than I had imagined -- you learn and discuss about the operating system you love and use everyday, you meet new people, make new friends and you get to try out new food!

I discussed with my mentor, Andreas Tille, how we could make my Google Summer of Code project better. We had a talk (video) about the project on July 29th to gather ideas and feedback from the community; we aim to incorporate the ideas from the talk into our project. After seeing the love and passion here for Debian, I will most certainly be sticking around after the summer and be a part of the community, aiming to contribute and give back to all that it has given us. A heartfelt thanks to the people of Banja Luka and the local team for having us here, they have not only made the conference possible but have amicably welcomed us to this beautiful city. Debian is indeed truly, the universal operating system and DebConf is the testament to this.

By Sukhbir Singh

Group Picture (cc-by-2.0 aigarius)

The Google Summer of Code has been a success for Debian each of the past six years we have participated, and Debian looks forward to welcoming more students to Debian and DebConf.

See you in 2012 at DebConf12, being held in Managua, Nicaragua!

By Obey Arthur Liu, Guillaume Mazoyer & Sukhbir Singh

Introducing protobuf-dt: An Eclipse editor for Protocol Buffers

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Protobuf-dt is a new Eclipse plug-in for editing protocol buffer descriptor files. It provides all the features you would expect from an IDE editor, such as syntax highlighting, an outline view, content assist and hyperlinking.

Protobuf-dt also provides protocol buffer-specific features like automatic generation of numeric tags, Javadoc-like documentation and integration with protoc.

This plug-in has been heavily tested by Google employees in many different projects through seven internal releases. For more information, please visit our project page, join the mailing list and download the code.

To install the plugin, please follow these instructions.

By Alex Ruiz, Google Engineering Tools

Introducing Google Tasks Porter

Monday, August 1, 2011

The Data Liberation Front is a team within Google dedicated to making sure users can get their information in and out of Google products. As part of that effort, we are happy to announce a new open source product called Google Tasks Porter. Google Tasks Porter is an application that allows you to import and export your Google Tasks.

Google Tasks Porter is designed with other applications that contain task lists in mind. It supports import and export via the iCalendar format which is used by a variety of applications, including iCalendar itself. It also supports import and export to Microsoft Outlook via a CSV format. Additionally, Google Tasks Porter supports export from Remember the Milk using its iCalendar export, and import to Remember the Milk via email. You can also download a list of all your tasks in an HTML format which is designed to be portable and parseable.

Google Tasks Porter allows you to create a set of "snapshots" of your data, each representing a list of all your tasks at a particular point in time. You can then save or delete these snapshots, and you can export a snapshot at any time to another application using any of the available formats. You can also upload an ics or csv file in order to import the tasks contained therein into Google Tasks.

The application is available on the web at The source code is also available on Google Code at using the Apache License, Version 2.0. Please try the application out and let us know what you think. You can provide feedback via the mailing list at

By Dwight Guth of The Data Liberation Front
