I was thrilled when I found out there would be a Google Summer of Code meetup in Krakow, not far from where I live. I not only wanted to visit Google's offices and see behind the scenes of Google, I was excited to meet fellow Summer of Code students and some of Google's engineers. The office visit, which was held on August 4th, turned out to be just as fun as I anticipated.
After we arrived, our hosts showed us around the office and offered "java" and snacks. Following refreshments, a few of the employees informally introduced the projects they are working on and told us about life at Google. It was very interesting to see how many different projects are done in this single office.

Each of us 20+ students then got a short time to introduce what we were working on for our Summer of Code projects. Once again it was interesting to see the wide variety of projects. After we finished talking about our projects, we were given some cool Google swag and there was time for discussion, more food and some fun (table tennis, Wii tennis, RockBand etc.). Time went by very quickly and too soon it was time to go, so we took some pictures and said goodbye to our hosts.